Daily report – Monday, 5/30

Happy greetings! We awoke to clouds, fog, and an occasional rain spit but decided to open anyway thinking we would catch nothing because while the winds were nice, the lower atmosphere was not. On the first round we caught flycatchers! By the end of second round, the raindrops while still small were becoming more frequent and the birds were using the bags for towels. We closed. The forecast all day rain was completely gone by just after 11:00 so we opened and had a very unusual day. We had 7 new warblers and 8 warbler retraps – NO COYE’S! 31 flycatchers and 30 Red-eyed Vireos provided bulk to the list. The most amazing event is pictured. We’ve only had both cuckoos during a season in spring once since we started banding in spring in 1982. To have both in the same round is simply incredible!! I can’t remember that ever in the fall! The singing Alder Flycatchers, drake Shoveler, and flock of 14 Semipalmated Plovers were the observation highlights.

Katherine (our aide from MARS) closed the trailer and left us. So Bill, David, Lauren, and Sally are sending you a larger than usual dose of Appledore wonder! See you on Island.

Local celebrities
Local celebrities
David Bonter and Field Ornithology students enjoying a rare occurrence
David Bonter and Field Ornithology students enjoying a rare occurrence
Sally and the third-spring-record Yellow-billed Cuckoo she extracted
Sally and the bird she extracted
Flycatcher quiz
Acadian Flycatcher (left) and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (right)
Lauren and Mourning Warbler (Lauren's the one on the left)
Lauren and Mourning Warbler (Lauren’s the one on the left)
Cedar Waxwing showing off her wax tips
Cedar Waxwing showing off her wax tips
Red-eyed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Great Black-backed Gull with chicks
Great Black-backed Gull with chicks

Banding list for May 30, 2016

Species Code Number
Yellow-billed Cuckoo YBCU 1
Black-billed Cuckoo BBCU 1
Eastern Wood-pewee EAWP 9
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher YBFL 8
Acadian Flycatcher ACFL 2
Traill's Flycatcher TRFL 12
Red-eyed Vireo REVI 30
Swainson's Thrush SWTH 5
Hermit Thrush HETH 1
Gray Catbird GRCA 2
Cedar Waxwing CEDW 1
Mourning Warbler MOWA 1
Bay-breasted Warbler BBWA 1
Yellow Warbler YEWA 1
Chestnut-sided Warbler CSWA 1
Blackpoll Warbler BLPW 1
Canada Warbler CAWA 2
Total banded: 79
Previously banded**Number