Daily report – Tuesday, 5/31

Oh hello! We thought we were going to get royally slammed because we looked at the wind direction. We are now guessing that the wind blew too hard. Actually, we thought it was fall and we had a very nice day. The weather was late August like – absolutely gorgeous and warm! No season “Christmases” but the Black-billed Cuckoo and Indigo Bunting (female) were 2nd. bandings for the spring. The Blackburnian Warbler was a dapper young dude so got his quota of “OOOO’s and AAHHHH’s”. We had nothing exciting observed although the drake Northern Shoveler is still around and it is always fun to hear Alder Flycatchers. We totally enjoyed the atmosphere and the view.

Lauren, Sally, and David send you remembrances of such days.

Second Black-billed Cuckoo in as many days
Second Black-billed Cuckoo in as many days
Two species of cuckoo?
Two species of cuckoo?
Male Blackburnian Warbler
Male Blackburnian Warbler
Beauty shot
Beauty shot
Traill's Flycatcher
Traill’s Flycatcher
Female Indigo Bunting
Female Indigo Bunting

Banding list for May 31, 2016

Species Code Number
Black-billed Cuckoo BBCU 1
Traill's Flycatcher TRFL 4
Red-eyed Vireo REVI 5
Swainson's Thrush SWTH 3
Cedar Waxwing CEDW 7
Nashville Warbler NAWA 1
Mourning Warbler MOWA 1
Common Yellowthroat COYE 4
American Redstart AMRE 2
Magnolia Warbler MAWA 2
Blackburnian Warbler BLBW 1
Yellow Warbler YEWA 1
Blackpoll Warbler BLPW 1
White-throated Sparrow WTSP 1
Indigo Bunting INBU 1
Total banded: 35
Previously banded**Number