Salud! from a modest but pleasing day on Appledore. The NOWA’s (Northern Waterthrushes) attempted to catch up with the GRCA’s (Gray Catbirds). We began to catch up to a normal species total by bringing in Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, a Philadelphia Vireo, and an Ovenbird. The very baby House Wren was an unexpected pleasure while the 12th Cape May Warbler was a real delight after so many years of 1 to 3 per season. A Green-winged Teal in Crystal Lake finally stayed around long enough for a confirming photo and a Lark Sparrow did a fly-over that was not repeated. Cora and Ninfa appeared in the morning and Lindsay disappeared in the afternoon with her computer. We’ve discovered that a second computer is truly helpful out here because most of the work I brought for slow days involves my computer and nobody’s smart phones or I-Pads will host Sara’s flash drive. Lindsay got several pages of Fall data put on the flash drive though. The Childe Hassam art show cooperating curators arrived on Island to see all these painting locations for themselves, people came to visit from Star Is., and our own “artist colony” is happily active. Cora, Ninfa, Sally, & David hope you are also learning and experiencing neat stuff like we are.