Hi all! My Dangle Tangle Class arrived Sunday afternoon. This may put a SERIOUS crimp in the sending of reports! Sept. 4th. was notable for the addition of 3 species to our birds banded list; Yellow-shafted Flicker, Brown Thrasher, and Lincoln’s Sparrow. It was also notable for the total of juvenile waxwings banded (see chart)! Nuthatches have slowed but there were 2 young Mockingbirds aggressively playing around the garden. We did a demo for the Ocean Ecology adult class and they enjoyed themselves enough to be late for brunch. Ninfa and Shelby disappeared at 2:00 leaving me alone until 5:00. Accomplishment occurred but it’s never enough! It’s the recurring theme for the season. May you be more successful at filing finished accomplishments!! Jan and Andy came with the class and we all wish you either great success at your labor – or a grand respite from your labor!!
Banding list for September 4, 2016
Species | Code | Number |
Yellow-shafted Flicker | YSFL | 1 |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher | YBFL | 1 |
Least Flycatcher | LEFL | 1 |
Eastern Phoebe | EAPH | 1 |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | RBNU | 1 |
Gray Catbird | GRCA | 3 |
Brown Thrasher | BRTH | 1 |
Cedar Waxwing | CEDW | 10 |
Northern Waterthrush | NOWA | 2 |
Black-and-white Warbler | BAWW | 1 |
American Redstart | AMRE | 1 |
Lincoln's Sparrow | LISP | 1 |
Baltimore Oriole | BAOR | 1 |
Total banded: | 25 |
Previously banded** | Number |
Retraps | 7 |