The SW winds took Martha back to America on the 8:15 a.m. Kingsbury. It was another quiet day with one of this, one of that, a couple of Eastern Phoebes, Gray Catbirds and Cedar Waxwings…. total banded: 19.
Kiah spotted a color-banded Common Yellowthroat – male – by Broad Cove. Records indicate that this bird was first banded on August 20 2013 as HY-M and then color-banded August 30 2014. It’s always exciting to know when one of these incredible little wonders survive another year.
The sighting of Herring Gulls and Great Black-backed Gulls has dropped dramatically around the Shoals campus, but today Kiah and Peg discovered that many gulls had just gone a little south – to the South End of the island: close to 200 GBBG and 150 HERGs.
The joys of running the banding station: do we close (because of approaching rain)? Yes…. No…. Yes?…No…Yes! We collapsed the nets before the rain hit but had to leave the unfurling/leaf removal/refurling until after the storm passed. The sudden gusty winds were simultaneously blowing leaves into the nets and furling the nets!
Peg, Susan, and Kiah