Greetings all!
Friday seems like a long time ago. So much so that I don’t remember a lot of details other than that we had birds. With a small-ish staff, we were only able to run four or five nets for a big chunk of the day — we opened the apple tree net at 05:10, shut it down at 05:45, and never re-opened — but we still banded 157 birds with a nice variety of species.
Some highlights:
- Liz was delighted to band her first Tree Swallow.
- Lauren was delighted to band her first Bay-breasted Warbler.
- Katherine was delighted to release an Orchard Oriole.
- Despite the busy-ness of the day, Katherine was able to process all but one of the 65-ish MARS (Mobile Avian Recording Studio) birds that were captured.
- Day Two of Dave Adrien’s visit meant more sightings for the day’s list and more nice photos for the daily report.
Cheers from Liz, Bill, Lauren, and Katherine.
*Alert readers may note that we didn’t band an Orchard Oriole on Friday. The picture should have been posted on Thursday but I forgot.