Daily Report – Monday, 5/23

Well, what a difference a day makes (for those of us old enough to remember that song). We did not see the sunrise but the morning sky was quite wonderful anyway, and we did have a productive day at the nets. Bill, Marygrace and Peggy ventured to Crystal Lake after breakfast and set up that net, which was open for most of the day, thanks to the indefatigable crew willing to provide courier service for birds captured there. We ended the day with a respectable total of 117 newly-banded birds, somewhat more interesting than the 21 from Sunday!

As for today (Tuesday) we send you foggy, wet, 22-knot NE wind-driven Appledore greetings as we battle with ennui and cabin fever and closed, wet nets . . . There may not even be enough for a daily report at this rate.

Andy, Bill, Hannah, Katherine, Marygrace, Peggy and Anthony

Sunrise from Sunrise Hill
Sunrise from Sunrise Hill
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Female Northern Parula
Female Northern Parula
Mary Grace enjoying scale duty
Marygrace in her element

Banding list for May 23, 2016

Species Code Number
Ruby-throated Hummingbird RTHU 1
Veery VEER 1
Gray Catbird GRCA 5
Ovenbird OVEN 3
Northern Waterthrush NOWA 1
Black-and-white Warbler BAWW 6
Nashville Warbler NAWA 1
Common Yellowthroat COYE 43
American Redstart AMRE 6
Northern Parula NOPA 9
Magnolia Warbler MAWA 22
Bay-breasted Warbler BBWA 2
Blackburnian Warbler BLBW 2
Yellow Warbler YEWA 1
Blackpoll Warbler BLPW 2
Black-throated Blue Warbler BTBW 5
Black-throated Green Warbler BTNW 2
Canada Warbler CAWA 1
Song Sparrow SOSP 1
Swamp Sparrow SWSP 3
Total banded: 117
Previously banded**Number