Daily Report – Tuesday, 8/16

Hi All,
It was a varied day on Appledore with 35 birds banded. Today the young catbirds have started to find the nets. We also had 4 old friend Yellow Warblers, and an AHY Song Sparrow that certainly wasn’t ready to go anywhere yet, with no tail and major primary replacement in process.

We had some nice sparkle in our sightings today with nice views of a Lark Sparrow. When I headed out to record banded gulls, I was shocked to find a family group of 5 American Oystercatchers at low tide by the high tide pier. There were 2 adults and 3 juveniles. My banded gull re-sightings suffered a set back with this discovery – sorry Bill and Julie. Tree Swallows arrived and we had a swarm of 200+ feeding on bayberry by PK. Our Yellow-crowned Night-Heron tally is up to 5.

We had to close briefly for rain which allowed us a relaxed dinners before we re-opened for the end of the day. Peg set up the hummingbird feeder for future attractions.

Greetings to all,
Becky, Peg, and Kiah

Early morning on Appledore
Early morning on Appledore
Kiah birding
Kiah birding
Becky birding
Becky birding
"I can't believe they still expect me to feed them..."
“I can’t believe they still expect me to feed them…”
Cedar Waxwings hanging out near (but not in) the nets
Cedar Waxwings hanging out near (but not in) the nets
Tree Swallows!
Tree Swallows!
...and more Tree Swallows
…and more Tree Swallows!!
Eastern Kingbird ready for a game of volleyball
Eastern Kingbird ready for a game of volleyball

Banding list for August 16, 2016

Species Code Number
Downy Woodpecker DOWO 2
Eastern Phoebe EAPH 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch RBNU 3
Gray Catbird GRCA 11
Northern Waterthrush NOWA 6
Black-and-white Warbler BAWW 1
Common Yellowthroat COYE 5
American Redstart AMRE 1
Yellow Warbler YEWA 1
Chestnut-sided Warbler CSWA 1
Song Sparrow SOSP 3
Total banded: 35
Previously banded**Number