Hello there, It’s summer again. The gulls are beginning to quiet and vanish. Jeff ran Crystal Lake for 4 hours in the afternoon and didn’t catch a single bird! A Red-breasted Nuthatch got caught 5 times today and was taken back behind Bartels for her own well-being. The warblers began to remind us about what Appledore CAN be but we are again stuck in south winds all day and all night. The bird of the day was the female Black Scoter that appeared in Broad Cove. THERE ARE APPARENTLY NO WEBWORMS!!! Jeff read a book, Kiah wandered all over the Island doing gull sightings, Liz read a book, and David worked on pictures. And each of us send you the modest pleasure of accomplishment taking the place of the real thrill of doing birds.
Banding list for August 24, 2016
Species | Code | Number |
Eastern Phoebe | EAPH | 1 |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | RBNU | 5 |
American Robin | AMRO | 1 |
Gray Catbird | GRCA | 1 |
Northern Waterthrush | NOWA | 1 |
Mourning Warbler | MOWA | 1 |
Common Yellowthroat | COYE | 2 |
Canada Warbler | CAWA | 1 |
Wilson's Warbler | WIWA | 1 |
Song Sparrow | SOSP | 1 |
Total banded: | 15 |
Previously banded** | Number |
Retraps | 3 |