Daily report – Saturday, 9/3

Hi! It’s late and the Dangle Tangle Class has arrived. Hope this can be short but there is some very nice news in it! Saturday was another sort of ploddy day at the nets with very modest numbers and no new species. Some nice news was the total of 9 night-herons of both species and a single Lark Sparrow that actually allowed good views. Being able to get all over the Island helped day’s list – nicely!! David, Ninfa, and Shelby actually wished for more hours in this day! I would guess our experience was similar to yours but I would bet that ours was more fun.

Sorry! I can’t find the pictures that I thought people had taken to go with this report. I’ve got too many for the 4th. though. Practice patience! Cheers, David

Banding list for September 3, 2016

Species Code Number
Traill's Flycatcher TRFL 2
Least Flycatcher LEFL 2
Philadelphia Vireo PHVI 1
Gray Catbird GRCA 1
Northern Waterthrush NOWA 2
Black-and-white Warbler BAWW 6
Common Yellowthroat COYE 2
American Redstart AMRE 6
Cape May Warbler CMWA 2
Yellow Warbler YEWA 1
Black-throated Blue Warbler BTBW 1
Song Sparrow SOSP 2
Total banded: 28
Previously banded**Number