Last official greetings: I vanish Friday dinner time. Thursday started with fog (see picture) and ended with fog. Winds have lightened but are still East. And the birds are resting – somewhere else! Rain on Appledore this summer has been nearly totally like an internet ad; all promise and no delivery. So, here are pictures of the plants’ response. But, the birds delivered us 2 new species yesterday. Now, look at the ratio of Catbirds to everything else! It’s certainly been an unconventional season! I so wish we could stay longer to find out if our birds went elsewhere, or are simply still waiting for better flying opportunities. Andy finished data entry of every completed raw data sheet for this season!! : ) : ) Both Andy and Jan got more exercise than I did. I hope you do as I expect to – enjoy your fall and winter – and happily anticipate seeing each other again in the spring. We all send you great cheers and Appledore hugs.
Banding list for September 8, 2016
Species | Code | Number |
Gray Catbird | GRCA | 8 |
Blue-winged Warbler | BWWA | 1 |
Blackpoll Warbler | BLPW | 1 |
Song Sparrow | SOSP | 1 |
Northern Cardinal | NOCA | 1 |
Purple Finch | PUFI | 1 |
Total banded: | 13 |
Previously banded** | Number |
Retraps | 1 |